About us

Handlino = Handle + Innovate

If you are looking for good web application design & development, Handlino is here to help.

Handlino was founded in December 2006. Our expertise are application development and standards-compliant web design. We have been engaged in open source communities, our tools of trade include CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and Perl.

Besides, we hold these websites:

  • RandomLife: a bingo machine generator.
  • MoreText.js: a jQuery Plugin and web service to generate Chinese Lorem Ipsum Text.

We provide the following software and services:

  • Standards-compliant web design
  • Front-end engineering / Everything about web UI
  • Agile web application development using Ruby, Rails or Perl
  • Training and consultancy services
  • Radiant CMS installation, design and customization
  • Spree installation, design and customization
  • Web design for mobile devices like iPhone/iPad

Latest work

Earthly Clinic


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Visit Registrano

Compass is a stylesheet authoring framework that makes your stylesheets and markup easier to build and maintain. With compass, you write your stylesheets in Sass instead of plain CSS.

Visit Compass.app

Haml/ERB/Markdown formats are supported as the content templating engine. Layouts, partials, and helpers can all be written in different format that fits the best for faster design. Fire.app works on Mac, Linux, and Windows platform.

Visit Fire.app